Summer 2024 is Upon Us: Mid-Year Reflections and Plans

3 min readJun 1, 2024

First of the month, the midpoint of the year! Where does the time go!? I'm trying to see if I can go 30 for 30 this month on here.

Waking up this morning felt like coming out of hibernation. After staying up until 6 AM researching a myriad of things, I was jolted awake around noon by my rarely ringing phone. Who calls anymore, right? (Just kidding, clip that.)

My mom was on the other end, telling me she had been in an accident. Even though she sounded fine, my half-asleep brain’s initial reaction was a bit crass: “Why?!” In my defense, I was barely awake. Thankfully, I was on the scene within five minutes, and she was okay, which is why I can now talk about it lightheartedly.

The world can be a hostile environment. My mom wasn’t at fault in the accident. She was cruising in the right lane when another elderly driver exited an office plaza without stopping and hit her car on the passenger side, completely wrecking the doors. But hey, she has Progressive insurance, so we’ll deal with that on Monday. She’s already back to her usual weekend errands with my Tia (aunt, for those who don’t speak Spanish).




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